Wednesday 18 July 2012

My first post for my Good Or Bad Book? blog shall be a good book!
I should know, I read it.
The book I shall recommend is The Crazy Man by Pamela Porter.

This book is good because it is a story about family, love and hope.
In this story, Angus is the 'crazy man', he is indeed mental, but he isn't one of those ballistic ones, he's gentle, sweet and doesn't want to harm anyone, his history is very heart melting to me.. His mother purposely had slipped a pill into his milk at dinner time, got sick and almost died. What made me sad was when he was working on the farm for Emaline and her mother because Emaline's father had left the farm after the discing accident and their dog had been shot by him, he was finally invited into their home to eat inside with them at the dinner table, the mother had asked Angus about his history and he spoke of his mother and left the house with his glass full of milk.

Emaline is a young schoolgirl in the 50's I believe.. She had an accident on her farm from jumping in front of the discer to save her dog Prince who had been chasing a hare leading himself in front of the discer and Emaline went to hospital.

Her Father blamed it on Prince and himself, shot the dog, and left the farm forever.

I cannot say no more because you have to read it to love it. I'm not just going to let you off of the hook.
Read this! It's a good read!
-Bryna Jade

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